网页2018/09/12 · In recent years, oil–water separation has been widely researched to reduce the influences of industrial wastewater and offshore oil spills. A filter membrane with special wettability can achieve the separation because of its opposite wettability for water phase and oil phase. In the field of filter membrane with special wettability, porous metal filter
网页2022/08/25 · Membrane filters may operate as a shield to exclude the water from pollutants or extract the. materials that contaminate the water. A filter membrane is used in reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and nanofiltration techniques. There are three types of membranes: reverse. osmosis (RO), ultrafiltration (UF), and nanofiltration (NF).
网页2016/10/25 · With experience extending as far back as 1965, Alfa Laval's specialists can answer the question in detail. Membrane filtration process is a physical separation method characterized by the ability to separate molecules of different sizes and characteristics. Its driving force is the difference in pressure between the two sides of a special membrane.
网页2022/07/26 · Nanofiltration: Medium-pressure membrane technology for separation, concentration, and demineralization of liquids. Reverse Osmosis Technology Reverse Osmosis: Medium and high-pressure membrane technology for water